Saturday, March 23, 2013

89.3 The Current,

So I listen all the time and now and then I hear this blurb you guys recite about ethanol and every time it gets me just a little steamed.  The one where at the end it says something like,"Every gallon of clean burning ethanol displaces a gallon of fossil fuels."  It gets me wound up because technically that's not true.  I mean yeah, it burns clean, but saying it displaces the use of fossil fuel isn't accurate because it's not taking into consideration the amount of fossil fuels that are required to create ethanol in the first place.  It takes fossil fuel to plant the corn, to water it, to add herbicide, insecticide, fertilizer, to harvest it, ship it to where it's made into ethanol, it takes fossil fuel to make it into ethanol, then to ship the ethanol to the gas stations and wherever else it is utilized.  Not to mention the degradation of the land where the corn used to make the fuel is grown.  Land which could be used for more cost and energy effective plants like switchgrass and hemp. 
    What upsets me is that every time I hear that repeated on the radio it reminds me that even those of us who seem to be more enlightened, maybe aren't.  And it really bums me out that at least once a day I hear an almost straight up lie repeated  and spread on a mass level.  I understand that that company is one of  your sponsors, but still, it's a bummer that you guys read that specific message on air. 

Just thought I'd share.

Thanks for all the music!

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